Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Hong Kong

At Hong Kong airport... lines always seem to be long. The line from arrivals and through security checkpoint took about 45 minutes. Good thing I had a long layover... now I wait nearly 4 hours.

They must drive in the left here in Hong Kong because I got on the moving sidewalk in the airport on the wrong side. I'm sure I had a few people laugh because it even took me a minute to realize I wasn't going the way I hoped. This airport is very simple and practically dull. Of coursee,  I did buy a couple of trinkets because who knows when I will be here again.

But DANG it's humid here - 80% and 73 degrees!!! This dessert rat is really going to have a hard time adjusting to these climates. I'm tired but don't want to sleep for security reasons. Trying to figure out how long my flight to ROK will actually be. Silly that I literally flew past Korea to turn around and go back that way. Travel is so weird sometimes. Technically, I lost a day - I left Monday morning from California and it's already the end of the day on Tuesday here. Fun - lol. Hoping my director just lets me sleep all day Wednesday instead id having to fo into class. I probably look like I've been beat up. Here's hoping...


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