Wednesday, February 20, 2019

On the way...

It wasn't until about 11.5 hours into the flight that I began to realize what was actually occurring. Honestly, up to this point it seemed like any overseas trip that I've taken before... And just when I actually started to think about it, did this all really feel like some dream as if tomorrow I'll wake up at the Joo's house as I have for the past 4 days, or even at mom and dad's.

People have been asking how I feel - if I'm excited - and my response has been, "I don't want to think about it until I'm stuck on a plane". Well, that is definitely how it worked out for me. I tend to have an idea and then just act on it. If I think about anything too much I will likely never do anything. I know this about myself.

Everyone always says how brave I am and it takes a lot not to just laugh because most things I just do without dwelling in thought. Don't get me wrong, I plan - I believe I plan a lot. I doubt many people have as much planned as I do. Granted, most are probably younger and just barely learning about life and adult skills. But I also know if I think too much about anything I will probably psych myself out with all the 'ifs' and things that could go wrong. So - I just act... I set a 'goal', if you will, and just do it unless I absolutely feel in my gut that it's not right.

So, here I sit on a plane somewhere over Russia, maybe even China (I have to look it up when I land in Hong Kong) thinking, "oh my gawd, did I really just leave everything I had and knew behind!?!?" Then I think, "I still cant even begin to imagine what immigrants and refugees are going through". Likely, they aren't sure where they'll be staying, what to expect - probably little planning or belongings. I brought 2 suitcases of stuff, which I'm sure is way more than people in these situations. I can't even begin to count how many boxes people were checking in on this flight... we are very spoiled and sometimes this leads to a crazy idea of entitlement. 

This is a strange mix of emotions to feel both so selfish about everything I left and about other's struggles. I've done well not shedding many tears (yet) - mostly because I know they won't stop flowing if they start (which is why I decided to stop watching movies on the flight). There are other things that I need to focus on first and my sadness is just not on the top of that list now.

Anyway, in the midst of my selfish thoughts I race back to other's plights and struggles. Honestly, it's both a blessing and a curse. Not only do I think of complete strangers whom I've never seen nor met, but I think about those who I left behind.

I casually tell people it's no big deal because we go daily not being around everyone every moment - people move to different cities or states all the time and I keep telling myself this is really no different. About 90% of me believes that LOL. But I hope that in what I am doing it isn't hurting anyone. I'm crappy at goodbyes because I don't like to get emotional - doesn't mean that I'm not, it just means it isn't helping me and my goals at that moment.

Anyway, rambling over, but I just felt that I needed to catalogue some of these feelings and thoughts in their purest non-collected form before I forget or alter them. Biggest thing to say is that when asked if I'm excited or how I feel is that it really feels like some outlandish dream at the moment. That is neither good nor bad, just aware that the situation feels unreal and unfamiliar.



  1. Oh man! I was feeling emotional reading this❤️ Take over the world my friend! I currently travel through you vicariously lol.
